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Assessing Academic English

(税抜 7,680円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Alan Davies
出版社 Cambridge University Press
The volume offers an explanatory account of the progress of academic language proficiency testing in the UK (and later Australia), from the British Council's English Proficiency Test Battery (EPTB), through the revolutionary English Language Testing Service (ELTS) to the present solution of IELTS. The three stages of academic language testing in the UK over the last 50 years move from grammar through real life to features of language use. At the same time, comparison of predictive validities suggests that all three measures account for very similar shares of the variance (about 10%) and that therefore the choice of an academic language proficiency test is determined only in part by predictive validity: other factors such as test delivery, test renewal in response to fashion, research and impact on stakeholders, and assessment of all four language skills are also important.
cambridge university press ケンブリッジ ケンブリッジユニバーシティプレス ケンブリッジ大学出版局 cup その他 More english language products 英語教材商品 resources photocopiables downloads 印刷可能教材ダウンロード教材 resource and reference books リソース参考書 reference linguistics teacher resource books 文法言語学教師用指導書 teacher reference professional development studies in language testing