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Basic Reading 1200 Key Words 2 Student Book with Workbook & Student Digital Materials

Author(s):Casey Malarcher
出版社 Tryalogue Education
Basic Reading シリーズはタイトル・表紙などを変えて、同じ内容で Vivid Reading シリーズとして刊行されております。
Basic Reading 200 Key Words 1 - 3 → Vivid Reading with Fiction Starter 1 -3
Basic Reading 400 Key Words 1 - 3 → Vivid Reading with Fiction Basic 1-3
Basic Reading 800 Key Words 1 - 3 → Vivid Reading with Fiction & Nonfiction Plus 1 - 3
Basic Reading 1200 Key Words 1 - 3 → Vivid Reading with Fiction & Nonfiction Master 1 - 3

Basic Reading is a nine-level series designed to move young students of English from the learning-to-read stage to the reading-to-learn approach. Passages and activities in the series systematically reinforce high-frequency words and sentence structures while focusing learning on a precise number of new vocabulary items in each unit. This allows learners to comfortably develop reading fluency as they broaden their understanding of various English word forms, structures, and sentence patterns. All of the captivating stories feature detailed illustrations which aid in reading comprehension. Basic Reading prepares readers for the demands of academic material at higher levels.

*Graded reading passages covering a broad range of topics
*Color illustrations that aid in reading comprehension
*Consistent and repeated use of prevalent sentence structures
*Exercises and activities that use a four-strand approach to development of fluency in English
*Repetition of high-frequency vocabulary
*Two review units per book, with reviews in the first three books featuring original songs
*MP3 CDs including Class Booster
*Pull-out color workbook included with each book

小学生から高校生向け、9冊からなる教材です。アクテイビティを通して、「英語で読んで学ぶ」力を身に付けます。 Basic Reading 400 では頻出度の高い単語を学び、Basic Reading 800 では文法や語彙の理解力を身に付けます。 Basic Reading 1200 ではアクティビティを通して読解スキルを伸ばします。

CEFR Pre A1~A2
英検 5級~準2級
TOEIC (L&R) 120~
tryalogue education compass publishing トライアログ コンパス コンパスパブリッシング 幼児小学生教材 Elementary 小学生 children elementary school coursebooks basic reading basic reading 1200