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Beginning to Write (paperback)

(税抜 3,380円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Arthur Brookes , Peter Grundy
出版社 Cambridge University Press
Beginning to Write contains over 100 writing activities suitable for elementary and intermediate learners. It shows that it is possible to take the teaching of writing seriously at an early stage in language learning. It also recognises the role writing plays in general language learning. The introduction discusses the differences between speaking and writing, the purpose of writing and the real world uses to which it is put. Process writing is discussed in a particularly clear manner and approaches to teaching writing are considered. There are activities: - to start learners writing with confidence - that practise such mechanics as capitalisation, spelling and punctuation - that focus on the writing process - that show how vaulable computers can be in teaching writing - that focus on outcomes and on the assessment of writing.
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