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Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools Book with Answers and Audio

(税抜 4,850円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Barbara Thomas, Louise Hashemi, Laura Matthews
出版社 Cambridge University Press
Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary for First and First for Schools provides complete coverage of the grammar and vocabulary needed for the Cambridge English: First and Cambridge English: First for Schools exams, and develops listening skills at the same time. It provides students with practice of exam tasks from the Reading and Use of English, Writing and Listening papers and contains helpful grammar explanations. It also includes useful tips on how to approach exam tasks and learn vocabulary. It is informed by the Cambridge International Corpus and the Cambridge Learner Corpus to ensure that the vocabulary is presented in genuine contexts and covers real learner errors.
cambridge university press ケンブリッジ ケンブリッジユニバーシティプレス ケンブリッジ大学出版局 cup 大学生大人教材 adult university english language products 英語教材商品 adult university skills textbooks reading writing listening speaking etc grammar linguistics 文法 cambridge grammar and vocabulary for first and first for schools