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Jolly Phonics Finger Phonics Book 6 (British English / in Precursive Letters)

(税抜 1,200円)
10 ~ 20%割引
出版社 Jolly Phonics
Product Code:JL294

The sixth book in a series of 7. Each of these 14-page board book deals with one group of letter sounds. A fun action is given for every letter sound. Cut-out letters on each page show children’s fingers the correct formation for every letter. Also included at the end of each book are a number of activities that children can complete to reinforce their letter sound skills.

  • Book 1 s, a, t, i, p, n
  • Book 2 c k, e, h, r, m, d
  • Book 3 g, o, u, l, f, b
  • Book 4 ai, j, oa, ie, ee, or
  • Book 5 z, w, ng, v, oo, oo
  • Book 6 y, x, ch, sh, th, th
  • Book 7 qu, ou, oi, ue, er, ar
Books 1-7 are also available as a set
jolly phonics ジョリーフォニックス 幼児小学生教材 Phonics フォニックス children jolly phonics british english jolly phonics finger phonics british english back edition jolly phonics finger phonics british english 旧版 jolly phonics finger phonics british english