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Product 18 of 26

Switchaplace 1 Cards

(税抜 1,500円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):David Lisgo
出版社 David Lisgo
Product Code:DLSAP1cards
This pack includes 60 different game cards representing 6 prepositions of place. Each card has a picture, a printed form of the preposition and a sentence, which descibes the picture, for students to read. The pack also includes suggestions for a number of activities for individuals, pair work and group work involving all 4 skills, grammar and rules and Switchit cards for playing "Switchaword" as well as optional backs and cover cards. Permission is granted to erase the sentences and challenge the students to a higher level game by creating their own sentence, which must include the target preposition.

david lisgo デイビッドリスゴ 幼児小学生教材 Elementary 小学生 children elementary school coursebooks new finding out switchit reading card game