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Action Research for Language Teachers

(税抜 4,800円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Michael J. Wallace
出版社 Cambridge University Press
This practical guide can be used by teachers who wish to develop their professional expertise by investigating their own teaching in a systematic and organised way. It is also invaluable for teachers or trainee teachers who have to produce a professional project or dissertation as part of a training programme. This will help teachers to design and implement a research project which is derived from their normal practice, with results which should be of direct relevance to them. It is user-friendly and includes: - exemplar articles and extracts which show how the research techniques can be implemented - 'Personal review' sections which help readers to think about the ideas being discussed and relate them to their own situation - commentaries which follow up issues raised in the 'Personal review' sections - chapter summaries - a glossary of all technical terms.
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