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Aristotle: A Very Short Introduction

(税抜 1,630円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Jonathan Barnes
出版社 Oxford University Press
The best introduction to Aristotle aimed at non-specialists
Jonathan Barnes is one of the best known scholars working in ancient philosophy
Takes account of Aristotle's later influence as well as his importance as a classical philosopher and scientist
Covers Aristotle's work in biology, logic, epistemology, psychology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics
First published as part of the Past Masters series, now thoroughly revised and updated, and illustrated throughout
Life sales in Past Masters: 34,000 copies
Now reissued as a Very Short Introduction, along with other new philosophy titles in the series

The influence of Aristotle, the prince of philosophers, on the intellectual history of the West is second to none. In this book Jonathan Barnes examines Aristotle's scientific researches, his discoveries in logic and his metaphysical theories, his work in psychology and in ethics and politics, and his ideas about art and poetry, placing his teachings in their historical context.
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