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New Finding Out Switchit Junior: Level 1 Pack 1

(税抜 1,750円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):David Lisgo
出版社 David Lisgo
Product Code:NFO_SJ_L1P1
New Finding Out (NFO) Switchit Junior is divided into 4 packs and is especially designed for users of NFO and Blending a Hand workbooks, though they can be used independently of them, level 1 covers most of the phonics in NFO book 1 and level 2 covers all other phonics found in NFO. Each pack contains 75 full color laminated playing cards. The game is great for students who are not quite ready for reading but need more practice with sounds and vocabulary.

NFO Switchit Junior Preview
NFO Switchit Junior Preview

david lisgo デイビッドリスゴ 幼児小学生教材 Elementary 小学生 children elementary school coursebooks new finding out switchit reading card game