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Content-based English: Global Stories CD

(税抜 2,500円)

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Author(s):John Spiri
出版社 Global Stories Press

Content-based English: Global Stories is the fourth edition of Global Stories Press’ first textbook published in 2003. Each chapter starts with a brief introduction of a global issue. The picture story and corresponding narrative is about a child who has experienced some aspect of that particular social problem. While some of the circumstances that the children endure are harsh, the narratives end with a resolution which points to a way to solve the problem.

The chapter listening activities involve a kind of dictation, students listening and writing the entirety of every sentence. Students then work with a partner to carefully check each other’s sentences, making changes as needed. Later the sentences are put on the board where the entire class makes suggestions for corrections.

The text is also richly endowed with a number of activities that build both a student’s knowledge of English and of the world. “Country Watch” helps students learn about culture and geography while “Thinking Deeper” develops critical thinking skills. Try the global issues textbook that students have been enjoying and learning from for over ten years!

global stories press グローバルストリーズプレス 大学生大人教材 Content Based English Coursebooks コースブック adult university elt coursebooks adult university