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Grammar Galaxy 3 Student Book with Workbook & Student Digital Materials

Author(s):Peggy Anderson
出版社 Tryalogue Education

Grammar Galaxy is a three-book grammar series designed to improve higherelementary learners’ accuracy in using the basic structure of English. Characters provide context to keep the content meaningful, fun, and engaging. Simple tables, clear explanations, and realistic examples give students a clear, intuitive understanding of high-frequency grammar structures. The series’ spiral curriculum ensures that students review and build on their learning.

*Clear explanations with simple tables, realistic examples, and illustrations
*Speaking and writing activities designed to reinforce learning and build fluency
*Appendix with progress tests and compiled grammar tables
*Downloadable worksheets for each unit
*Full answer key, and additional teacher materials available online
*Free Class Booster App and Student Digital Material CD offer engaging practice activities, such as vocabulary exercises, sentences building, passage summarizing, and more

中高生向けの中級基礎文法教材です。絵や表を通して、英文法 が苦手な生徒にもわかりやすく説明しています。付属ワークブ ックは個人での復習にも効果的です。

対象レベル:CEFR A1~A2
英検 4級~準2級
TOEIC (L&R) 120~
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