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TOEIC Upgrade Student Book with Audio CD (MP3)

(税抜 3,550円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Peggy Anderson
出版社 Tryalogue Education
*Examples and explanations of every type of TOEIC item, including the new question types introduced in Korea and Japan in 2016
*Systemic practice exercises for every test section, with test-taking tips and Step-by-Step Practice Tests to check progress
*Essential Vocabulary lists and practice for all topics covered on the TOEIC
*Listening exercises and tests on an accompanying MP3 CD, with audio files also available online
*Clear explanations of the grammar points most often tested
*An authentic Mini-Test for each part of the test
*A pull-out booklet with a full transcript for audio files and an answer key
*One complete practice test available to learners; two additional practice tests available to teachers

目標スコア 400~600
tryalogue education compass publishing トライアログ コンパス コンパスパブリッシング 大学生大人教材 adult university exam materials 試験対策 toeic test toeic program toeic upgrade