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Interactive 2 Student's Book with Web Zone access

2,860円 1,430円
(税抜 1,300円)

ISBN:Bargain Bin 12125
Author(s):Helen Hadkins, Samantha Lewis, Joanna Budden
出版社 Cambridge University Press
** セール品につき返品交換はお受けできません **

Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenage learners from elementary to upper-intermediate levels (CEF A2-B2).

Interactive is an exciting four-level course for teenagers packed from cover to cover with up-to-the-minute, stimulating content.
Students are given maximum support to get them speaking and interacting in English from day one.
Interactive provides 80-90 hours of core material at each level, extendable to 180+ with the full range of components.

ENGLISH TYPE / British English
cambridge university press ケンブリッジ ケンブリッジユニバーシティプレス ケンブリッジ大学出版局 cup