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Kav's ELT Games At the Library

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Publisher Kav's ELT Games
CEFR Level:A2
AT THE LIBRARY is a conversation game where players ask interesting questions and try not to disturb the Librarian.
At the Library is designed to help facilitate fun group conversation for intermediate and advanced students (Jr. High School ~ adults).
As a cooperative game, students are able to relax and enjoy themselves while the cards provide the language scaffolding to help form interesting and unique questions.
Players take turns selecting cards but must watch out for “the Librarian.” Disturb her too much and everyone is out! (Group and Two Player game versions included.)

52 game cards 2 instruction cards — (1 English & 1 Japanese)

For more information, please visit this products webpage.
Classroom Items Games Music More 幼児小学生教材 games and manipulatives ゲームと玩具 children kavs elt games stickers manipulatives student motivators