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English Between Friends Book 1

2,640円 1,848円
(税抜 1,680円)

ISBN:Bargain Bin 0403
出版社 Perceptia Press
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The English Between Friends series is for teachers and students who believe speaking is best developed through conversation with friends. Friends talk about what is meaningful to them, not what a textbook tells them to talk about. They listen to each other, not CDs, and they don’t read their friends’ questions before answering. Students, thus, take turns answering with their books closed.

The questions and activities in these books are intended to bring students to a level where they can hold extended conversations. To be able to do this students need to know how to
* check understanding
* ask for clarification
* ask appropriate follow-up questions.

With this framework in place, even if their answers are short and imperfect, students have a method by which they can apply and build on the hidden vocabulary and grammar they learnt in school.

Book 1
In addition to the questions and activities, Book 1 contains a series of varied and graded exercises to develop students’ ability to find out what their friends do, think, and feel and there is extensive guidance on what to do when the conversation breaks down.

Topics include: Introductions - Hobbies - Days Off - Clothes - Animals - Travel - Anime and Manga - University Life - Shopping - Friends - Cooking - Seasons, Weather, and Nature - Celebrities - Films - Reading and Writing

Use this books for:
* University students
* Language schools
* Private lessons
* High schools

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