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Read All About Me! (Instant Personal Poster Set) 30枚入り

出版社 Miyoshi Kids Mart
Start the school year right with this irresistible poster template that prompts children to tell about themselves in words and pictures. Young learners will have blast tooting their own horns by filling in favorite animals, foods, colors, books, writing a self portrait, and more. A great way to build self-esteem, motivate reluctant writers, and help kids get acquainted!

Includes 30 17" x 22" posters of 1 design.
Format: Poster
Grades: K - 2

Discuss the concept of self-portrait. Ask students to think about what they want their self-portraits to communicate about themselves. Perhaps they wish to show themselves surrounded by some of their favorite things. Children are also welcome to include a photo.
Classroom Items Games Music More 幼児小学生教材 Stickers Classroom Items シールと教室のアイテム children posters ポスター posters banners bulletin boards ポスターバナーブリテンボード stickers manipulatives student motivators