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Smart Choice 3rd edition 3 Teachers Pack

(税抜 7,550円)
10 ~ 20%割引
Author(s):Ken Wilson and Thomas Healy
出版社 Oxford University Press
The Smart Choice Teacher's Book contains everything you need to teach the course with confidence including notes on how to use each Student Book activity, answer keys and extra ideas.

Access to the Smart Choice online Learning Management System is included with the Teacher's Book. You can track individual and class performance and keep in touch with students outside of class with email and the Discussion Board. The Testing Program offers interactive, auto-scored Progress Tests as well as downloadable unit, midterm and final tests that you can adapt to students' needs.
oxford university press oup オックスフォード オックスフォードユニバーシティプレス オックスフォード大学出版局 大学生大人教材 Coursebooks コースブック adult university elt coursebooks adult university smart choice smart choice 3rd edition back edition smart choice 3rd edition 旧版 smart choice 3rd edition 3