
割引: 279円
取得ポイント: 4 P
合計: 6,226円
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割引: 279円
取得ポイント: 4 P
合計: 6,226円
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Switchaplace 2 Cards (ダウンロードバージョン)

(税抜 600円)

Author(s):David Lisgo
出版社 David Lisgo
Product Code:DLSAP2
Switchaplace 2 Cards - (先生一人用ダウンロードバージョン)

This pack includes 60 different game cards representing 6 prepositions of movement. Each card has a picture, a printed form of the preposition and a sentence, which descibes the picture, for students to read. The pack also includes suggestions for a number of activities for individuals, pair work and group work involving all 4 skills, grammar and rules and Switchit cards for playing "Switchaplace" as well as optional backs and cover cards. Permission is granted to erase the sentences and challenge the students to a higher level game by creating their own sentence, which must include the target preposition.

4 cards per A4 sized page

  • 一商品につき一人の先生でご使用下さい。二人以上の先生でご利用頂きます際は、製作者の努力を尊重して頂きもう1商品ご購入いただきますようお願いします。
  • 対象:8歳以上
  • ページ数:22ページ

Switchaplace 2 Cards プレビュー
Switchaplace 2 Cards Preview


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