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Think Big for Business Student Book 2

(税抜 2,350円)

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Author(s):Steven E. Quasha / Daniel J. Mills
出版社 Akebono Press
Publisher Level:2
CEFR Level:B1
Think Big for Business is a four-skills textbook designed for English proficiency levels ranging from TOEIC 450-600 (CEFR A2 to B1). Each student book can be used as a single semester course. It consists of four units per semester along with two projects, which provides students with the necessary skills to work in today’s digital economy or even start their own company.

The textbook utilizes an experiential learning model where students follow the lead character Mirai Takahashi, a 25-year-old entrepreneur, as she begins her journey to create her own company. Mirai is mentored through this process by a more experience business person, Catherine Ramirez, and Catherine’s personal assistant, Paulo Silva. Students are given numerous opportunities throughout the book to work in teams to create their own business plans for new products and services. Some of the unit content includes, time management, personal finance/investing as well as digital marketing.

Each unit has a video link to a shadowing activity, so students can practice reading full sentences of the target vocabulary using familiar karaoke style lettering. Also, there is a grammar focus section for each unit, which can be assigned for homework or as a communication activity in class. Think Big for Business is ideal for a business English course or as a first-year content-based textbook for business/economics/technology majors. Adult learners will also benefit from the language content and project-based learning utilized in the books.

Quizlet flashcards are available in both English-to-Japanese or English only as a complementary study tool for the textbook vocabulary and phrases. Both textbooks feature streamed audio from the website. All of the audio files can be downloaded for free. A free Teacher’s Manual in PDF will be available from February 1, 2022.

pages 82 (A4 paperback, full-color)

大学生大人教材 Business ビジネス Business ESP ビジネス専門別英語 adult university think big for business business english