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Young Adult ELI Readers New Edition 4 A Tale of Two Cities

出版社 ELI
Word count:19200
Young Adult ELI Readers は、高校生〜一般向けのリーダーシリーズです。
また、本文後の”FOCUS ON"のコーナーで、作者や物語の書かれた時代背景や文化などが紹介され、より理解を深めることができます。

音声は出版社ウエブサイトからダウンロードいただけます。または専用の無料アプリ ELI LINK にて、 スマートフォンやタブレットを使って本の表紙をスキャンしていただきますと、すべての音声・動画コンテンツにアクセスすることができます。

A Tale of Two Cities is Charles Dickens’s most famous historical novel.
Set in Paris and London at the time of the French Revolution, this is the story of two men, Frenchman, Charles Darnay, and Englishman, Sydney Carton. As the Revolution takes hold and the Terror begins, the two men’s destinies bring them together in a powerful story of love, hate and revenge. We meet revolutionaries and aristocrats, and see the poverty of many in both London and Paris contrasted with the wealth of a few

Present Perfect Continuous - Past Perfect Continuous - perfect infinitives - a variety of phrasal verbs - complex passive forms - wish/if only - modal verbs: might, needn’t - reporting verbs: explain, repeat, reply, answer, ask, cry, scream, shout - tenses with This is the first …
Types of Clause
type-three conditionals - mixed conditionals - relative: embedded, defining
Other connectives:
although, despite, in spite of, however - time sequencers - inversion..

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