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Travel Instincts

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Author(s):James Jensen
Publisher Global Stories Press

Jensen looks back on a six year travel adventure that few experience today. Without cell phones and the Internet, and with barely any money, Jensen makes his way around the world, first on a yacht under an Aussie captain, stopping at both hellish and paradise-like islands, working in Oz, street hawking in Thailand, hanging out in India, Nepal and Afghanistan where he battles illness and poverty, then onward to Germany for physical and financial recovery while working at a German factory. After further adventures in and around Europe, including a stint on an Israeli kibbutz, Jensen hitchhikes back to Germany where he ends up living and working illegally for four seasons at a rural Bavarian village.

Travel Instincts chronicles the sometimes hilarious and profound exchanges Jensen has with people all over the world, the moments of despair and joy that such an adventure magnifies, and his efforts to understand the colorful and complex tapestry of characters and cultures in our increasingly globalized world.

Check out a Sample Chapter
Travel Instincts

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