
Discount: 84円
Points earned: 0 P
Total: 837円
(1 product)
Discount: 84円
Points earned: 0 P
Total: 837円
(1 product)
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Remove Qty. Product(s) Unit Price(w/o tax) Discount % Points % Total
Oxford Bookworms Library 4 Black Beauty845円 10 0 761円
Sub-total (before discount): 845円
Discount: 84円
Total (After Discount): 761円
10% Sales Tax: 76円
Total: 837円
Points earned: 0 P
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Order Totals
Sub-total (before discount): 845円
Discount: 84円
Total (After Discount): 761円
10% Sales Tax: 76円
Total: 837円
Points earned: 0 P