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Marathon Mouth Activity Cards

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Author(s):Lesley Koustaff, Brent Gaston and Paul Shimizu
Publisher Intercom Press
Marathon Mouth is a student-centered, grammar / function-based English conversation text book designed for high school to college level conversation classes of more than eight students. The cooperative-learning, student-centered methodologies featured create a holistic approach to language learning that will benefit students who have studied English for a number of years, yet lack the confidence and / or ability to speak. The text maximizes student on-task time in the classroom with non-threatening, confidence-building activities.

Key Features of Marathon Mouth

Four-person information gap activities, interviews, class surveys and find someone who activities optimize student classroom speaking time in the target language in a meaningful way and places responsibility for learning into their own hands

Listening activities with peer correction expose students to focused listening practice and build comprehension

Optional card activities add a lively "3-Dimensional" aspect

"About Me!" sections allow the student to personalize the target language

"Teacher's Choice" sections allow teachers to extend personalization aspects of the text

For more information, please visit this products webpage.
intercom press インターカムプレス 大学生大人教材 Coursebooks コースブック adult university elt coursebooks adult university marathon mouth 1a one semester course marathon mouth series marathon mouth 6th edition